Query Metrics

2 Database Queries
2 Different statements
3.20 ms Query time
1 Invalid entities

Grouped Statements

Show all queries

Time Count Info
2.24 ms
SELECT s0_.Id AS Id_0, AS name_1, s0_.mollie_live AS mollie_live_2, s0_.mollie_test AS mollie_test_3, s0_.url AS url_4, s0_.aliases AS aliases_5, s0_.template_folder AS template_folder_6, AS email_7, s0_.email_bcc AS email_bcc_8, s0_.filter_by_venue AS filter_by_venue_9, s0_.master_site AS master_site_10, s0_.sendy_brand AS sendy_brand_11, s0_.advertising_brand AS advertising_brand_12, s0_.date_created AS date_created_13, s0_.date_updated AS date_updated_14, s0_.LocationId AS LocationId_15, s0_.ListId AS ListId_16 FROM sites s0_ WHERE s0_.url = ?
0.96 ms
SELECT e0_.Id AS Id_0, e0_.slug AS slug_1, e0_.icon AS icon_2, e0_.social_link AS social_link_3, e0_.artist_name AS artist_name_4, e0_.age_group AS age_group_5, e0_.tier AS tier_6, e0_.advertising AS advertising_7, e0_.max_sales AS max_sales_8, e0_.current_sales AS current_sales_9, e0_.created_at AS created_at_10, e0_.updated_at AS updated_at_11, e0_.project AS project_12, e0_.conference AS conference_13, e0_.multi_day AS multi_day_14, e0_.private_event AS private_event_15, e1_.Id AS Id_16, e1_.date_start AS date_start_17, e1_.date_end AS date_end_18, e1_.hidden AS hidden_19, e1_.hidden_calendar AS hidden_calendar_20, e1_.soldout AS soldout_21, e1_.places_active AS places_active_22, e1_.type AS type_23, e1_.project_type AS project_type_24, e1_.max_sales AS max_sales_25, e2_.Id AS Id_26, e2_.title AS title_27, e2_.short_description AS short_description_28, e2_.description AS description_29, e2_.special_title AS special_title_30, s3_.Id AS Id_31, s3_.position AS position_32, e1_.EventId AS EventId_33, e1_.LocationId AS LocationId_34, e2_.LanguageId AS LanguageId_35, e2_.EventsId AS EventsId_36, s3_.EventsId AS EventsId_37, s3_.SitesId AS SitesId_38 FROM events e0_ LEFT JOIN event_dates e1_ ON e0_.Id = e1_.EventId LEFT JOIN event_description e2_ ON e0_.Id = e2_.EventsId LEFT JOIN sites_to_events s3_ ON e0_.Id = s3_.EventsId WHERE (e1_.date_start >= ? AND s3_.SitesId = ?) AND ((e1_.date_start >= ? AND s3_.SitesId = ?)) AND (e0_.project = 1) ORDER BY e1_.date_start DESC, e2_.title ASC
  "2024-07-02 00:00:00"
  "2024-07-02 00:00:00"

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
  • The association App\Entity\Sites#user refers to the inverse side field App\Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User#sites which does not exist.
App\Entity\Locations No errors.
App\Entity\NewsletterLists No errors.
App\Entity\Events No errors.
App\Entity\EventDates No errors.
App\Entity\EventDescription No errors.
App\Entity\SitesToEvents No errors.
App\Entity\Language No errors.
App\Entity\Orders No errors.
App\Entity\Newsletter No errors.
FOS\UserBundle\Model\User No errors.
Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\BaseUser No errors.
App\Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User No errors.
App\Entity\Coupons No errors.
App\Entity\StatsUsers No errors.
App\Entity\NewsletterSubscribers No errors.
App\Entity\EventPasswords No errors.
App\Entity\EventImage No errors.
App\Entity\EventTickets No errors.
App\Entity\BlogPosts No errors.
App\Entity\EventExtra No errors.
App\Entity\ShortUrl No errors.
App\Entity\EventSlugs No errors.
App\Entity\Artists No errors.
App\Entity\Organisers No errors.
App\Entity\EventDatesPlacesBlocks No errors.
App\Entity\BlogPostLanguage No errors.
App\Entity\EventExtraLanguage No errors.
App\Entity\EventTicketsLanguage No errors.
App\Entity\Translations No errors.